In the small village of Aketanino, when we first arrived in Lira in 2016, is where we first met Mama Jent. She is an elderly lady that we befriended and have loved ever since. Her room was on the corner of town so we frequented her door. She was never much interested in Jesus. She […]
“I’m Going to Cane You!”
A common expression in Africa that we hear often is, “I’m going to cane you!”. Caning is just what it sounds like, it is to hit someone with a wooden cane to punish them. Sometimes there is one cane and sometimes many, sometimes one parent, two classmates or a large group, depending on the circumstance. […]
What It Was Like to Live in the Village
I wanted so badly to write while we were in the Aketinino village, but not having internet made it difficult, so presently I would like to share some of the day to day experiences of our village life. We lived in a small 3 room unfinished village house with a bathroom, solar (that means no […]
“Two Things I Do Not Understand”
We were being introduced to the manager of operations of Project Hope Orphanage shortly out of Lira, Friday afternoon. Dennis, the manager, was sharing his experience and thoughts of America from his visit. Anais was standing directly next to me when I felt a little bite on my waist. “Ouch! I think an ant is […]
Tension and Restraint
Let me welcome you to our small three room African house that has an all-in-one living/kitchen/dining room and 2 bedrooms with a tiny bathroom attached to the bedroom encircled by a wall in a little village setting right out of Lira Town. We are renting this while in search for a more permanent house. The […]
We Have Arrived in Uganda!
Wednesday evening was a mild time to arrive in Entebbe, Uganda for the children. The days are full of smoke, as well as being hot and sultry, which can take a bit to get use to, especially coming from cool, crisp Colorado, but the evening air here is fairly clear and cool and the roads free […]